Steven B Grant Lights the Menorah
December 29, 2019, Florida, USA: Boynton Beach Mayor Steven B. Grant lights the menorah during a Hanukkah Celebration in the food court of the Boynton Beach Mall Sunday, December 29, 2019. 26 years we have been lighting this menorah in this mall, said Rabbi Sholom Ciment (not pictured) of Chabad-Lubavitch of Greater Boynton. This is a very special moment as this decade comes to a close, and we are going to start a brand new focused 2020. That focus has to become a laser beam of goodness. This world is tired of death, of hate. Here is the reservoir of light for the entire year. You are going to take this light home, and it is going to grow. Only goodness and kindness will fill 2020. Florida News - December 29, 2019 - ZUMAp77_ 20191229_zaf_p77_021 Copyright: xBrucexR.xBennettx